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Physics Course: Now Free
20 Lessons—About 7 Hours Total
Content tested in about 12-15 questions per MCAT exam
Energy & Motion
🏎️ Acceleration
⛸️ Friction
🚂 Work & Power
🔋 Energy
🔧 Levers
🔌 Electric Charge & Units
⚡ Coulomb's Law
💡 Ohm's Law
Ω Resistance
📸 Capacitors
➡️ Electric Fields
Sound & Light Waves
🔊 Wave Properties
🔆 Photon Energy
🚨 Doppler Effect
🎶 Harmonics
🔎 Refraction
👓 Thin Lenses
⚓ Density
🤿 Hydrostatic Pressure
🚿 Volume Flow Rate

The course is broken down by subject, with a number of lessons for each. Each lesson has an estimate of how long it'll take to complete. In total, the course takes about 6 hours to finish (including worked problems). If you just need a refresher, this course can easily be completed in a day. If you're a bit rustier then it might take you a few days to finish!
Each lesson contains a video where I break down a particular concept. Each lesson then has a number of practice questions, along with videos of me solving the problems.

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